Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Birchard's Blog

 Shout out to Mrs. Stephanie Anderson for donating eleven new microscopes to St. Malachy. The old microscopes were outdated and many of them were in disrepair. The new microscopes are very nice and work well for middle school students. We have used them several times already. Thanks for giving this experience to the students of St. Malachy!

6th Grade Science

We have been leaning about cells, cell structure and using microscopes. The kids have loved being the first to use the new microscopes and they have been amazed at some of the stuff that they have seen. We will be learning more about the cell theory and cell structure and function as the unit progresses. 

7th Grade Science

The seventh grade had an opportunity to use the new microscopes also. We have moved on to studying DNA, it's structure and function. We extracted DNA from strawberries last week. Ask them about that experience. We will be moving on to DNA replication and the role that DNA plays in protein synthesis.

8th Grade Science

The eighth grade has been studying properties of matter. They have been doing a great job of recognizing physical and chemical properties as well as changes of state. 

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