Friday, August 27, 2021

Birchard's Blog Week 1

 We had a great first week in Middle School Science. I feel like I know most everyone's name now. Getting down the daily routine is more of a challenge for myself than the kids. I will get it figured out. LOL! Our first day was spent doing a "getting to know you" activity. It is a great way for the students and I to get to know each other. I was really impressed with the variety of interests that our middle school students have. 

We also took some time to go over safety in the science lab. The kids were very receptive and I think they are ready to get busy doing science. We have great resources at St. Malachy. There may be times though that we need additional materials from home. I will try to give the kids a heads up well before we need things.

I can't wait to get started on week 2. We will start by discussing the "Nature of Science" and the importance of becoming scientifically "literate". After that we will be getting into the curriculum for each grade level. 

If you ever have any questions feel free to shoot me an email at 

Have a great weekend!


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